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1. Hydraulic Load Cell Tester (Model No. TBTW-10)
The Hydraulic Load Tester is used to calibrate the Torque Bridge Testing Tool & Torque Wrench to ensure that correct test loads are applied to Headed Anchors.
2. Torque Bridge Testing Tool (Model No. TB-10)
The Torque Bridge Testing Tool is used to apply the 10,000 lb test load to each Headed Anchor.
3. Bending Tool (Model No. BT-40)
The Bending Tool is used to apply the bend test to the 5 “test anchors” shot and tested prior to production welding.
4. Brass Footplate Template (Model No. FP-3)
The Brass Footplate Template attaches to the stud welding gun. It holds the ceramic ferrule in place and ensures proper positioning of the 2 Headed Anchors needed for each bracket.
5. Go No-Go Gauge (Model No. C-4)
The Go No-Go Gauge is used to ensure proper anchor penetration and strength, as well as, a secondary check to ensure correct positioning of the 2 Headed Anchors.
6. Adjustable/Audible Torque Wrench (Model No. SDR-150)
The Torque Wrench is calibrated and used with the Torque Bridge Testing Tool to apply the 10,000 lb. test load to each Headed Anchor.